Index can let your select very very fast. but can also let your update/insert very very slow, (Index is ordered, if update or insert is fired, it will re-order which is very costly), If your environment is more opt to system throughput, I will recommend you to use full can (full table scan + full index scan).
index logic failure: index is ok to be used , but your query doesn't go by index.:)
index physical failure: index is removed.
Reverse index is good sometime becuase if so many indexes involved in this table , reverse index can avoid the hot block competing each other.
create index idx_id t(id) reverse;
Partition table insert : however, if index is not added, insert into partition table will be more costly than insert into normal table.
Aviod type conversion : put the specifc value into the column type specifed, type coversion will be very costly with index added.
Substr() trunc() : substr(column) and trunc(column) won't go by index , if these 2 functions are applied to columns.
Alter table t shrink space; //release high water mark . but index is still valid
Composite index : if query by a composite index, you gotta follow the order of indexes to fire the select query. reversed order or wrong order won't go by index
Hint way to create index : this part i think most developers are not clear . the hint way to create index is use /" "/, this is very fast, try to use the hint way to create index rather than the parallel way.
Like : like "%peter" // won't go by index, like "per%" = like reverse("%per") // will go by index
Flashback :
flashback table t to before drop; // restore table from recyclebin,
but all index & constrains are gone
Function index : if asc and decs are both involed like "order by col1 asc col2 desc" , try to create a function index (col1 asc, col2 desc)
Dummy index/virtual index : dummy index is not existed in reality , however it can deceive the oracle expain plan and simulate the result with indexs, if the result is good, then create a real index, if not ,don't need to do anything.
Alter session set "use nosegment indexes = true" Create index idx_id on t(object_id) nosegment; //create dummy index
Finally please take notes :
- check whether you add indexes in some big tables in oracle
- check whether there are some indexes which never are used
- check whether you add some indexes on foreign key columns in tables
- check which tables have too many indexes
- check whether you overuse too many composite indexes
- check whether there are some foreign key constraint invalidated
- check which indexes have a high height
- check whether there are some index invalidated
- check whether your indexes are duplicated with composite index
- check which indexes have parallel setted
- check which statistic infor is too old
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