In this article , I will share some basic command for beginners to understand the Oracle and manage Oracle in their daily work;
Oracle is running under server and client mode, in the server, it is runing a listener service 24 * 7 in the background . the configuration file in the server side is called " listener.ora" specifying the ports and IPs. In the client side, the configuration file is called "tnsnames.ora". normally , when i manage the database, I don't change these 2 files very ofen. Oracle provides some scripts and "Net manager" for you to easily manage listeners. if these tools fail , then you may need some experience to troubleshoot. Normally it's either the configuration problem or network problem.
Oracle Basics
Lsnrctl stop/start // Start / stop listner Net start oracleserviceorcl //Start database Service Conn scotts/123 // connect database Show user // show current user Clear screen // clear screen Spool C:/123.txt // specify the external file Spool off // save sql command and result into external file Edit // show the last sql and edit and run Set time on // show sql running time Show error // show the last error message Host + <dos command> //call system command: eg "host mkdir C:/as/123" @C:/123.sql // run the sql external runnable script
Basic SQL traps
SQL is a query language for DBA and engineers to use in their daily jobs . Here I won't share the basic grammars , I will share some traps and places you and i may be take notice in your work.Truncate //delete whole table records but keep table structure,no log,can't rollback Drop // delete all records and table structures Desc table1 // check table structure Alter session set nls_date_format="yyyymmdd" //modify current session's database time Insert into student2 select * from student; // insert one table into another Select * from student where name like "S_"; // "_" is a placeholder, it equals
length(name) = 2 and S% Select * from student order 1 desc, 2; // order by first and second column
String Functions
SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM SYSDATA) FROM DUAL ; //extract year, month, day Select last_day(sysdate) from dual ; // show the last day of a month Select floor(4.6754) from dual; // only keep the integer removing decimals NVL2 NVL DECODE NULLIF // some null-related functions To_char, To_date , To_number // some conversion-related functions Union union all intersect minus // 4 collection-related manipulations Rename student1 to student2 // rename a table Alter table student rename column sno to snumber; // rename a column
Complex SQL traps
Below are some traps i summarise in my work , if you find anything needed to be notified , please leave msgs.
SQL running order: 1 from 2 where 3 group by 4 having 5 select 6 order by exists(select * from user) // return true/false, if data is existed , return true, otherwise , false Select * from student where name in (select name from student group by name having (count(*) > 1)) // select students with duplicated names Select, from student a, student b where = //inner join ,before you do this ,u'd better list all records and find the columns with same names, then you try to join carefully;
//update result table
Update result set grade = (select grade from
(select sno ,
case when socre >= 90 then "excellent",
When core >=80 then "good",
When core >=70 then "fair",
Else "fail" end grade from result) a where result.sno = a .sno)
// orderly list row_number non-duplicated rows
Select sno , name row_number() over(order by score desc) from table 1;
//orderly list row number value duplicated,rank is jumping , rows
Select sno , name rank() over(order by score desc) from table 1;
//orderly list row number value duplicated,rank is continuous , rows
Select sno , name dense_rank() over(order by score desc) from table 1;
Select sno , name rank() over(order by score desc) from table 1;
sign() // return 1 -1 0 ,, sign(-99) return -1
// decode with sign together to be used
Select month, decode(sign(sales-sales2), 1,sales, -1, sales2, 0. null));
Oracle row to column: Select names, sum(decode(a.season, '1', a.sales, 0) // 1st sesson, sum(decode(a.season, '2', a.sales, 0) //2ed sesson, From table1 a group by a. Names; //use sum+decodeto implement rownum // can only apply < / <= , if other signs are used , you need give a alias Select * from (select a.*, rownum rn from table a) where rn <=5 and rn > 3; Delete student where sno in (select sno from student group by sno having (count(*) > 1)) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from student group by sno having (count(*) > 1)) //remove duplicated record Select ... from .. where sal > 20 group by grouping set ((deptno),(deptno,empno,ename),()); // group and generate statistics reports .
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