Saturday, September 23, 2017

《爱 》- 张爱玲


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Java 8 - Parallel data processing

In Java 7 , If you want to process data in parallel, you may consider the ForkJoinPool which is one of the threadpool factory with number of initial thread equalising the number of procesor of the computer :

Runtime.getRuntime().available-Processors() // show initial number of thread

System.setProperty("java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.common.parallelism","12"); // change the number of initial thread

In current multi-core PC world, parallel processing will  mostly increase the performence. And the way to implement the parallelism is as simple as just adding one methond parallel()  into the normal Stream. This parallel() will automaticly make use of the ForkJoinPool behind and dynamicly assign the data into threads.

public static long parallelSum(long n) {
     return Stream.iterate(1L, i -> i + 1).limit(n).parallel().reduce(0L, Long::sum);

On the contrary , if you want to abandon parallel(), a sequential() will help you switch back smoothly. Well , In practice, whether to choose sequential() , parallel() or normal for loop , all depend on practical measurement, There is no one golden rule saying that parallel() is the best, you must measure the time and choose which one to apply.

long start = System.nanoTime();
// apply batch calculation here
long duration = (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1_000_000;

In most of the cases , the efficiency lost in the parallel processing is due to autobox problems,  one of the methods to increse the paralle() is to avoid the autobox using LongStream, IntStream... This is important!

public static long parallelRangedSum(long n) {
    return LongStream.rangeClosed(1, n).parallel().reduce(0L, Long::sum);


Above, I have mentioned the ForkJoinPool in Java 7 and the parallel() in Java 8 is implemented by it . So how do people use this ForkJoinPool? Answer :  extends RecursiveTask<T>
public class ForkJoinSumCalculator extends RecursiveTask<Long> {
       // constructors and fields .... 
@Override protected Long compute() { // rewrite abstract method if (length <= 1000) { // Don't use parallel } ForkJoinSumCalculator leftTask = new ForkJoinSumCalculator(20000, 1, 10000); leftTask.fork(); // start left half tasks asyncronously in another ForkJoinPool ForkJoinSumCalculator rightTask = new ForkJoinSumCalculator(20000, 10001, 20000); Long rightResult = rightTask.compute(); // start the right half tasks Long leftResult = leftTask.join(); // read the left half tasks result. blocking return leftResult + rightResult; // combine } }

Parallel() is not only implemented by ForkJoinPool but also with the help of Spliterator. With these 2 weapons, parallel() in Java 8 can flexibly split big task ,compute and join together to return values.


Spliterator looks similar to iterator in versions before Java 8. It also helps to iterate data but in parallel way.

public interface Spliterator<T> {
   boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T> action); // iterate all elements Consumer provides
   Spliterator<T> trySplit(); // split data into another Spliterator
   long estimateSize(); // return the size of collection
   int characteristics();

Ok, I am still working to produce an example , I will give it out later.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Java 8 - Data collection

Data collection is simplified in Java 8 syntax very much. you only need to point out "the expected result " not to worry about how to collect. In Java 8 , there exist a factory class "Collectors", let't see how it applies.

Math Problems 

long howManyDishes =; // ==
long howManyDishes2 =;
Comparator<Dish> dishCaloriesComparator = Comparator.comparingInt(Dish::getCalories); 
Optional<Dish> mostCalorieDish =
      .collect(Collectors.maxBy(dishCaloriesComparator)); // get object with max calories
// get the total calories
int totalCalories =;
// get the average calories
double avgCalories =;
// get total, average, max, min 
IntSummaryStatistics menuStatistics =

String Concatenation

String shortMenu =", "));


// get total calories in reduing way
int totalCalories2 =, Dish::getCalories,
                                           (i, j) -> i + j));
// get the max calories
Optional<Dish> mostCalorieDish2 =                        (d1, d2) -> d1.getCalories() > d2.getCalories() ? d1 : d2));
// self-implement toList collector
Stream<Integer> stream = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).stream();
List<Integer> numbers = stream.reduce(new ArrayList<Integer>(), // init value
  (List<Integer> l, Integer e) -> { l.add(e);return l; }, // process
  (List<Integer> l1, List<Integer> l2) -> {
                               l1.addAll(l2);return l1; }); // final process
// total calories
int totalCalories3 =,Dish::getCalories,
int totalCalories4 =; // old way

Group By

Group by is like SQL group by statement., you can do nexted grouping , criteria grouping ...

// group by type , type is an enum
Map<Dish.Type, List<Dish>> dishesByType =
// criteria grouping
Map<CaloricLevel, List<Dish>> dishesByCaloricLevel =
  Collectors.groupingBy(dish -> {
   if (dish.getCalories() <= 400)  {
    return CaloricLevel.DIET; 
   } else if (dish.getCalories() <= 700) {
    return CaloricLevel.NORMAL;   
   }else {
    return CaloricLevel.FAT;
// nested grouping
Map<Dish.Type, Map<CaloricLevel, List<Dish>>> dishesByTypeCaloricLevel = 

   Collectors.groupingBy(Dish::getType, // 1st grouping
    Collectors.groupingBy(dish -> { // 2ed grouping
     if (dish.getCalories() <= 400) 
      return CaloricLevel.DIET;
     else if (dish.getCalories() <= 700) 
      return CaloricLevel.NORMAL;
      return CaloricLevel.FAT;
// collecting data with grouping
// result is : {MEAT=3, FISH=2, OTHER=4}
Map<Dish.Type, Long> typesCount =
                  Collectors.groupingBy(Dish::getType, Collectors.counting()));
// get the max calories of each group , group by type
//result is : {FISH=Optional[salmon], OTHER=Optional[pizza], MEAT=Optional[pork]}
Map<Dish.Type, Optional<Dish>> mostCaloricByType =
// get the max colories of each group , retrive value of each optional from above
//result is {FISH=salmon, OTHER=pizza, MEAT=pork}
Map<Dish.Type, Dish> mostCaloricByType2 =
                Collectors.groupingBy(Dish::getType, // group by type
                Comparator.comparingInt(Dish::getCalories)), //transformed Collector
  Optional::get))); // function of transfering
// grouping by can pass in 2 params , the second param will apply to all elements of each   group.
Map<Dish.Type, Integer> totalCaloriesByType =
    Collectors.groupingBy(Dish::getType, Collectors.summingInt(Dish::getCalories)));
// get all caloricLevels of each Dish Type
// Collectors.mapping is powerful like map()
Map<Dish.Type, Set<CaloricLevel>> caloricLevelsByType =
 Collectors.groupingBy(Dish::getType, Collectors.mapping( dish -> { 
   if (dish.getCalories() <= 400) {
    return CaloricLevel.DIET; 
   } else if (dish.getCalories() <= 700) {
    return CaloricLevel.NORMAL;
   } else {
    return CaloricLevel.FAT;
// point out which kind of set you want to use
Map<Dish.Type, Set<CaloricLevel>> caloricLevelsByType2 =
 Collectors.groupingBy(Dish::getType, Collectors.mapping( dish -> { 
  if (dish.getCalories() <= 400) {
   return CaloricLevel.DIET;
  } else if (dish.getCalories() <= 700) {
   return CaloricLevel.NORMAL;
  } else {
   return CaloricLevel.FAT;  

Partition By

Partion By is similar to Group by but the input parameter is limited to "Predicate".

//{false=[pork, beef, chicken, prawns, salmon],
//true=[french fries, rice, season fruit, pizza]}
Map<Boolean, List<Dish>> partitionedMenu =;
List<Dish> vegetarianDishes = partitionedMenu.get(true); // to retrive values
// == 
List<Dish> vegetarianDishes2 =
// nexted partioning & grouping , producing a 2 level grouping
//{false={FISH=[prawns, salmon], MEAT=[pork, beef, chicken]},
// true={OTHER=[french fries, rice, season fruit, pizza]}}
Map<Boolean, Map<Dish.Type, List<Dish>>> vegetarianDishesByType = Collectors.partitioningBy(Dish::isVegetarian,
                                  // getType is not predicate so use group by

Friday, September 15, 2017

Off-Heap memory

Java GC can only run in JVM heap which is called on-heap memory. However, to control the rubbish collection size of Java GC to realse some pressure of it . we can also open some memory space outside JVM heap in the Operating system level. This part of memory is called off-heap memory.

How do we manipulate off-heap memory ?

Normally there exits 3 opensource library for us to use , Chronicle QueueChronicle Map and Thread Affinity . These 3 can help us manipulate off-heap memory flexibly.

When do we use off-heap memory ?

  1. When Some Java NIO related APIs are called,  we may use off-heap memory indirectly. Operating system's kernel(eg: linux kernel) will directly write data into the off-heap memory rather than do like normal API caching one copy of data in the linux kernel then copying another one into the application when the application want to read. 
  2. When Java JVM management can't fullfil the project's requirement, we need to use the off-heap memory and manage it flexbily ourselves. 

For example

One incoming connection is to ask for 2M to create 2000 small Objects in Java and to release this 2M memory immediatly  when connection is finished/broken. For Java GC, this is a extra burden to manage those extra 2000 objects  and GC doesn't know those 2000 Objects' memory can be released immediatly after being used (Connection is finsihed). But we , programmers, know this logic and we know better what will happen in the system memory and JVM, so in that case , we can write code ourselves to manage the memory in the most efficient way.

How do we create a off-heap memory space?

One of those methods is to use DirectBuffer :


Another way is to use JNI to write a C/C++ extension in JAVA, in the extension, we don't create memory space in JVM.

But normally, I don't think people may need write in this very backend way.
If you are focus on normal business logic , I think chronicleMap will fullfil your requirement.
If you are writing some frameworks in Java related to NIO, the first method may apply(eg: Netty , ActiveMQ).
But if you don't limit your language in Java, write a C extension to control the whole system. This is the best solution, isn't it.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Introductory python code of bayes

This article is a introduction of how to use bayes in python. naive bayes is a probability model/formula which is used under lots of constraints . In reality , I seldom use it as normally data from industrial environment can't fit the bayes' constraints which is "Law of large numbers" and max-lilkelihood normally is build under lots of assumptions which make the model inaccurate.  In this article ,I won't derive the formula as typing math formulas in computer is a terrible work for me. :)

I will use the digit recognition data set from kaggle to demostrate how the basic flow works .

Import libs & datas 


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.lda import LDA
from sklearn import datasets 
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB  # import into bayes lib
dataset = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
target = dataset[[0]].values.ravel()
train = dataset.iloc[:,1:].values
test = pd.read_csv("test.csv").values

x_finaltest = test  # test data

kf = KFold(n_splits = 10)

Train & predict in 10 Fold CrossValidation 

total_score1 = []
gnb = GaussianNB()
for train_index ,test_index in kf.split(train):
    x_train = train[train_index]
    y_train = target[train_index]
    x_test  = train[test_index]
    y_test  = target[test_index]
   , y_train)  # train the model
    y_predict1 = gnb.predict(x_test)  # predict 

    total_score1.append(metrics.accuracy_score(y_predict1,y_test)) # compare and score

# print average score

y_pred1 = gnb.predict(x_finaltest) # predict

# save into file
np.savetxt('bayes.csv', np.c_[range(1,len(x_finaltest)+1),y_pred1], delimiter=',', header = 'ImageId,Label', comments = '', fmt='%d')

Wall time: 4min 32s

Monday, September 4, 2017

Bit & BitSet

Bit and BitSet are very commonly used in profiling your java code. Also, In interviews, your interviwers may also ask some questions about it . Raw bit manipulations are mostly tested in job interviews which are hard for most of us but BitSet are mostly used in real projects which is easy to use.


0 & 0= 0
1 & 0 = 0
0 & 1= 0
1 & 1 =1
Or (|)
0 | 0 = 0
1 | 0 = 1
0 | 1 = 1
1 | 1 = 1
Xor (^)
0 | 0 = 0
1 | 0 = 1
0 | 1 = 1
1 | 1 = 0

x << y means x shifted by y bits to the left. for example :
               00011001 << 2  = 00000110
               00011001 << 4  = 10010000
x >> y means x shifted y bits to the right , for example :
               00011001 >> 2 = 00000110
               00011001 >> 4 = 00000001

Interview Questions

You have two 32-bit numbers, N and M and 2 bit positions, i and j .write a method to set all bits  between i and j in N  equal to M(eg: M becomes a subString of N located at i and starting at j)
Example : Input : 10000000000 , M = 10101, i = 2, j = 6
                   Output : N = 10001010100

public static int updateBits(int n , int m, int i, int j) {
  int max = ~0; // All 1's
  // 1's through position j, then 0's
  int left = max - ((1 << j) - 1);
  // 1's after position i
  int right = ((1 << i) - 1);
  // 1's , with 0's between i and j 
  int mask = left | right;
  // clear i through j, then put m in there
  return (n & mask) | (m << i);

Bitset : BitSet is introduced in Java 1.1 and it only has a few of methods which are commonly used. But These methods are very helpful in tuning our application expecially in Comparison & Filtering.

Previously, if the criteria in our if-statement is comparison, for example

List<Bid> candidateBid = new ArrayList<>();
PotentialBid potentialBid = new PotentialBid();
	.filter(x -> x.getAutionType() == potentialBid.getAutionType()) // int
	.filter(x -> x.getCountryCode() == potentialBid.getCountryCode()); // String

Improvement makes matching faster :

BitSet candidateBid = new BitSet(); // imagine it has datas
candidateBid.and(autionTypeMatch.getCandidates(bid)); // get intersection set == filter
candidateBid.and(countryMatcher.getCandidates(bid)); // get intersection set == filter

Bitset can hold 2^31 -1 elements , in other word , it can hold huge amount of data.
So , There are still other applications of BitSet , like save a billion data....

Java 8 - Replace null with Optional

NullPointerException is a common exception you may encounter in coding , in Java 8 , you can replace null with optional , thus the NullPointerException can be totally removed. Of course you can also use if statement to judget whether it is null.

public class Car {
 private String name; // A car must have a name
 private Optional<Insurance> insurance; // A can can have insurance or not insured

Create a Optional

Optional<Car> optCar = Optional.empty(); // a empty Optional
Optional<Car> optCar2 = Optional.of(car); // create an optional from another object
Optional<Car> optCar3 = Optional.ofNullable(car); // A optional can accept null.

Optional<Insurance> optInsurance = Optional.ofNullable(insurance);
Optional<String> name =; // retrive value from Optional Object

// combine multiple filter to retrive
public String getCarInsuranceName(Optional<Person> person) {
return person.flatMap(Person::getCar)

// 2 optional judgetments
public Optional<Insurance> FindCheapInsurance(Optional<Person> person, Optional<Car> car {   
 if (person.isPresent() && car.isPresent()) {
  return Optional.of(findCheapestInsurance(person.get(), car.get()));
 } else {
  return Optional.empty();

How to use

for example you have a object which is probably containing null.

Object value = map.get("key");

Now, you decalre this Object in a Optional way :

Optional<Object> value = Optional.ofNullable(map.get("key"));

Be careful, Optional has lots of sub Classes like OptionalInt、OptionalLong and OptionalDouble, So Don't try to use Optional<Integer> . Below is another exmaple of Optional encapsulation.

public static int readDuration(Map<String,String> props, String name) {
 return Optional.ofNullable(props.get(name))
   .flatMap(Car::stringToInt) // convert String into Int
   .filter(i -> i > 0) // filter those > 0
   .orElse(0); // if it throws exception or < 0, then make it == 0 
public static Optional<Integer> stringToInt(String s) {
 try {
  return Optional.of(Integer.parseInt(s)); // convert String into Int
 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
  return Optional.empty();

Optional is quite new in Java, Even though It has a lot of fancy features, but we still don't use it so ofen as the performance degrade a lot when we use Optional in real projects.

Add Loading Spinner for web request.

when web page is busily loading. normally we need to add a spinner for the user to kill their waiting impatience. Here, 2 steps we need to d...